Test & Feedback on Azure DevOps - Installation Firefox


This video is of part a series on how to use Microsoft's Test & Feedback browser extension. Learn how to install Test & Feedback in FireFox and connect it to your Azure DevOps instance.

All development projects at DataDIGEST Consult have Microsoft's Azure DevOps at its heart. This means we track everything that needs to get done on Work Item Cards. Thse live in backlogs and are managed on Boards.

The Test & Feedback browser extension makes it easy for our clients to give feedback and report issues in a constructive and reproduceable way. This allows our clients to easily create Work Item Cards in the backlog that contain reproduction steps, screenshots, notes, and even screen recordings. This saves our clients and technical teams lots of time. Which means more resources are available to make improvements and add value.

Before we start

This guide is for the FireFox browser. (Chrome and Edge guides will follow shortly)

To complete the guide you'll need:

  1. The Azure DevOps Service Instance URL. If you are a DataDIGEST client it is: https://dev.azure.com/datadigest-za/
  2. Authentication credentials for the DevOps Instance. If you are a DataDIGEST client we would have provided you with this. (It is the same credentials you use to access to the DataDIGEST Microsoft Teams channel for the project.)

For those who are not DataDIGEST clients, contact your development partner for the correct URL, username and password.

Here is the link to the Visual studio marketplace.

Now that all of that is out of the way, let's get started.

NOTE: These instructions will work for Azure DevOps Server instances too.